Generating knowledge on dugongs, their critical habitats and threat reduction measures in North-west Madagascar (MG6).
North-west, Nosy Mitsio to Mahajunga.
The aim of the project is to improve the conservation status of dugongs and seagrasses by reducing knowledge barriers to their protection and trialling community-led conservation initiatives in northwest Madagascar. The project will include specific activities related to the development and diffusion of project-generated information on dugong populations, their habitats and the threats acting on them, as well as ground-truthed information to add to the national body of knowledge on community-based conservation measures.
MG6 will generate knowledge on dugong habitat and threats, contributing to eradicating critical knowledge gaps through: 1) seagrass habitat mapping using high resolution satellite imagery; 2) passive acoustic monitoring surveys along the NW coast to identify critical dugong habitats; and 3) community interviews in habitat hotspots to analyse threats to dugongs.
The project will also work closely with local people throughout the different stages of its implementation to identify and trial community-based conservation measures to encourage local stewardship in the conservation and monitoring of dugongs and seagrasses, including: 1) a participatory process to identify tailored dugong conservation measures suitable for trial in the Ankivonjy and Ankarea MPAs; and 2) the implementation and monitoring of identified dugong conservation measures in these MPAs.
Finally, MG6 will develop and implement an outreach and conservation strategy, involving effective communication with national and international stakeholders on dugong distribution and habitats, related threats, and successful conservation actions
- 1. Passive acoustics monitoring applied in twelve sites along the coast from Nosy Mitsio to Mahajunga.
- At least 20 communities interviewed to identify threats to dugongs using the CMS Dugong MoU by-catch survey.
- Dugong and seagrass information and knowledge integrated into the monitoring system of at least two Marine Protected Areas.
- Identify and trial three types of community-based conservation measures.
- Develop an outreach and conservation strategy for communication with national and international stakeholders.