Dugong and Seagrass Videos
We’ve collated a selection of videos about our work. If any of the videos relate to a specific project, we’ve provided a link to that project directly above the video.
Watch: Dugong and Seagrass Conservation of Timor-Leste - April 2019
Our project partners in Timor-Leste produced a gorgeous video of the area, its wildlife and its people. Enjoy a mini-desk vacation to the beautiful country of Timor-Leste.
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The dugong’s tears: Madagascar’s gentle giants bounce back - December 2018
Our friends at UN Environment shot a film about the villagers in Madagascar who are working to ensure the dugongs of Nosey Hara in the country's northwest will continue to swim in these beautiful waters. Enjoy...
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What to do when you encounter a dead and stranded dugong in Indonesia - October 2018
Our project partners in Indonesia (ID2) created an animated video instructing people what to do when encountering a dead dugong that has washed ashore.
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What to do when you encounter a living, but stranded, dugong in Indonesia - October 2018
Our project partners in Indonesia (ID2) created an animation that instructs people on what to do when encountering a stranded, but living, dugong.
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Another dugong song. - June 2018
A dugong song we ran across. Children call her a dugong; she calls herself a mermaid. Clever!
Encounters with Dugongs in Vanuatu - June 2018
Several encounters with dugongs by divers in Vanuatu. Provided by Vanuatu Environmental Science Society (VESS).
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Dugong and Seagrass Conservation on a local level in Vanuatu - June 2018
Resident of Vanuatu, Joseph Soksok, speaking about how dugong and seagrass conservation works in their coastal village. Interview conducted by Vanuatu Environmental Science Society (VESS).
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Watch Beautiful Project Film from Indonesia - June 2018
Our partners in Indonesia have created a master piece project film - beautiful cinematography, excellent narration, great story. Enjoy.
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A video showcasing the MIHARI network in Madagascar (MG2) - February 2018
MIHARI is the Madagascar’s national LMMA network, established in June 2012, bringing together local management associations and their supporting NGOs to share experiences. 2017 was a fantastic year of impact. Here is the 2017 film review and the perspectives for 2018.