Project News & Field Updates

Our experts launch the WISDAM app for researchers conducting wildlife imagery surveys with Dugong detection built into its AI

December 16, 2024

Earlier this month a new open source app was released that is designed for researchers conducting wildlife imagery surveys to produce data suitable for abundance estimation and spatial modelling from aerial photographic surveys. Of interest to researchers involved in marine conservation is that their Marine Animal Detector AI has a large training dataset for nine […]


Dugong deaths in Sri Lanka lend urgency to calls for stronger protections

July 13, 2021

  In a recent article in Mongabay environmental journalist Malika Rodrigo called attention to the tragic deaths of two dugongs in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka where dugongs are considered critically endangered, the loss of even two is a huge loss. Unfortunately, the causes of these deaths are consistent with known threats to dugongs, including […]


Seminar on Marine Mammal Threats 30 June 2021

July 05, 2021

International Seminar on Marine Mammal Threats: Marine debris and ocean noise. June 30 2021 Register here:


DNA study shows Madagascar’s dugong are very unique.

September 12, 2019

The Dugong and Seagrass Project received a press release from Auckland University in New Zealand about a recent genetic investigation published in the Journal Plos One by their scientists comparing dugong populations across thier range. Results indicate the genetic uniqueness of the dugong in Madagascar. Press Release follows: Scientists at the University of Auckland in […]


Job Posting: Project Manager for the IKI Seagrass Ecosystem Services Project

June 11, 2019

We received the following job announcement from the CMS Dugong MoU Secretariat. The Dugong MoU is seeking a project manager to help impliment their new IKI Seagrass Ecosystem Services Project. For your information, we copied and pasted their email into the space below. Good luck! From: [] Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 10:59 Subject: […]


Community officially protects dugong area in Timor-Leste

April 16, 2019

A village in Timor-Leste decided to protect an area of 350 hectares to protect their dugongs. Here are a few pictures from the official ceremony which designated the area for protection.


Diary of a Dugong: Legends, Taboos and Truths amidst the Seagrass – an essay by Alia Yunis

March 20, 2019

One day, two girls walked to the coast. They were astonished to see the sea and thought it would taste like water. The girls found a coconut on the beach. One sister was crying for something inside the coconut. The other was trying to offer her every part of the coconut she could but she […]


Aramco World’s ‘Sirens of the Seagrass’ – a dugong story by Alia Yunis

March 20, 2019

Travel around the world with Alia Yunis as she tells a dugong story. Journey from the shores of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia or Delma Island in the United Arab Emirates to Mozambique, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Australia. This is an intricate story of dugong, seagreass, culture and childhood. Published in the most […]


Summary of the Closing Workshop in Bali Indonesia February 2019

March 18, 2019

Materials from 2019 Closing Workshop in Bali, Indonesia


“Diving with Dugongs: If you’re lucky” featured in Vanuatu airlines inflight magazine

February 27, 2019

The dugongs of Vanuatu are flying high in Vanuatu’s in-flight magazine. To read more click the link below to download and read the article. In flight magazine